PhD Nursing
Postgraduate students in nursing work across diverse practice settings and engage new theoretical perspectives with a view to enhancing practice in several areas – including community-based, mental health, paediatric and social care-related – in statutory, NHS and/or third sector services.Our research embraces a diverse range of qualitative, quantitative and participatory methods and includes use of the arts, participatory and new methodologies with projects often drawing on personal professional or experiential perspectives. You will be contributing throughout your studies to a research portfolio that has major impact on understanding the experiences of health, illness, the meaning of care and people’s involvement in this and the provision and the systems that support it.As a Nursing PhD or Midwifery PhD student at Brighton, you will benefit from: a supervisory team comprising 2-3 members of academic staff. Depending on your research specialism you may also have an additional supervisor from another school, another research institution, or an external partner from government or industry; opportunities to present and discuss your own work with other researchers in seminars organised by research centres, groups and the university schools; desk space and access to a desktop PC; access to a range of electronic resources via the university’s Online Library, as well as to the physical book and journal collections housed within the Aldrich Library and other campus libraries.