PGCert Palliative Care Practice
About This CoursePatients expect palliative care services to be of the highest quality and to be well coordinated in whichever area they choose to be cared for i.e. hospital, home, care home or hospice. In order to support and staff to provide excellent palliative care, this programme has been developed in partnership with St David’s Hospice, Llandudno, with expert staff who can share their experiences and knowledge in the field of palliative care.This programme builds upon existing theoretical perspectives and research evidence underpinning applied health and social care practice in the field of palliative and end of life care. It critically examines current theory, practice and policy in order to advance appropriate approaches to palliative care from the disciplines of specialist and generalist perspectives. It will include contemporary approaches to palliative care grounded in actual practice and in harmony with reality.Research OpportunitiesThe academics involved with this course have extensive links with external bodies, companies and the 3rd sector, which are fully utilised in ensuring that the modules are relevant to the modern work and research environment graduates will enter. They are also all experienced Nurse practitioners and healthcare sciences researchers who still have active links to the local NHS trust ensuring that modern clinical practice is embedded within the programme.Teaching, Learning and AssessmentThis programme provides student-focused learning that critically examines both the theory and practice framing contemporary approaches to health and social care management for people in need of palliative care. It has no placements or clinical competencies, making it suitable for local and international candidates who wish to study at this level as a career requirement or for academic progression.CareersEducation and lifelong learning are key to delivering a workforce with the right skills, knowledge and attributes to support the delivery of excellent patient care. This post graduate programme will provide healthcare practitioners to deliver services which prioritise the palliative care requirements of both the patients and their families. Practitioners who complete this programme will exit with enhanced skills and confidence, and their employability and career opportunities will be greater within this specialist and demanding area of practice.The programme will enable the individual to develop graduate, lifelong learning skills such as critical thinking, problem solving and the use and of evidence based practice to enhance current professional and academic skills; this in turn will develop transferable skills which will enhance the employability of the registered professional overall.