PG Certificate in Law

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
PG Certificate in Law

Our new 60-credit Postgraduate Certificate in Law allows students to apply and enrol into existing LLM law half-modules on a full-time basis for one term (either Term 1 or Term 2) only. Students who successfully complete the 60 credits in a single term will be conferred the PG Certificate in Law.The new Postgraduate Certificate in Law Programme gives students the opportunity to study at our vibrant School of Law with its unique focus on the legal systems and legal challenges of the Global South generally and Asia, Africa and the Middle East in particular, without having to enrol for a full LLM. The structure of the Postgraduate Certificate in Law allows students to create their own programme of study, choosing from a wide array of 15-credit modules, including those in comparative law, international law, law and development, commercial and trade law, human rights, environmental law, Islamic law and dispute resolution. The Postgraduate Certificate in Law can only be taken full time over a period of one term, either Term 1 or Term 2 of the academic year.