
Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  

The BSc in Multimedia at DCU is a programme for those who are creative, enquiring, and interested in the creation of engaging and interactive media experiences. Our graduates are highly successful designers, developers, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, and scholars. If, like them, you are intrigued by the relationship we have to media and digital technologies in our lives – and want to explore, improve and expand that relationship – this is the course for you. You should enjoy working with digital technologies, and be interested in problem solving, creative expression, and working in focussed team-based projects. Course structure 2021-2022The degree’s modules will introduce you to a variety of core skills from which you can build and specialise. DCU’s School of Communications has just been ranked in the top 200 communications schools internationally. The only ranked Irish media/communications School in the QS ranking. DCU’s School of Communications has just been ranked in the top 150 communications schools internationally. The only ranked Irish media/communications School in the QS ranking. DCU Multimedia’s balanced grounding in creativity and technology is invaluable in an industry where designers are expected to be an expert in not one, but many fields.