MSci (Hons) Marine Biology

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
MSci (Hons) Marine Biology

The four-year MSci Marine Biology programme mirrors the BSc Marine Biology programme during the first three years, and includes an additional fourth year during which you will undertake two projects. Each will focus on a specialised area aligned with one of our leading research groups, and it is expected that one will be carried out in partnership with an external organisation. The remainder of your time will be spent on a two-week intensive field course in which your scientific field-research, debating and presentation skills will be further developed.Our MSci Marine Biology programme focuses on understanding the biology of marine organisms and their ecosystems. We place special emphasis on whole animal biology, biodiversity, ecology and behaviour. The programme is delivered by internationally recognised research active staff who work at the cutting edge of applied and pure research on whole-organism biology, with particular focus on large marine vertebrates, including fish (bony fish and sharks), marine turtles, seabirds and cetaceans (eg, whales, dolphins and porpoises).The programme provides you with the skills, concepts and experience to understand all aspects of marine ecosystems and the pressures they face, ranging from overexploitation to climate change. Our interdisciplinary approach to the study of marine ecosystems, from rocky shores to open-oceans and from shallow surface seas to deep-water habitats, allows you to learn about a wide range of theoretical and practical techniques. This interface between research and learning provides critical skills for career opportunities across a wide range of scientific disciplines.