MSc Public Health
The MSc Public Health creates professionals who can lead and implement change in public health across the world stage.It was designed in consultation with Public Health Wales and supports the development of public health practitioners through enabling them to negotiate, plan, implement and evaluate policy and practice initiatives.The Public Health Masters recognises that health challenges can be more global than a single country’s population but that local policy and regulation responses will vary from country to country.Modules include relevant theoretical and ethical concepts to encourage students to reflect critically on questions and decisions that arise in the field of public health.At the end of the course, students will develop as responsive professionals who can negotiate, plan, implement and evaluate public health policy and practice.We intend to deliver our courses in a blended format; with a proportion of the teaching and learning being delivered digitally, and where it is safe to do so, some teaching and learning being delivered in person and using social distancing and/or mitigating measures as deemed appropriate in line with government guidance.AssessmentEach 20-credit module is assessed at the end of the module using two pieces of assessment. All modules are assessed using a range of methods, and usually have one coursework element and one exam element.The coursework element uses written formats that you might use in public health practice and includes including a project, a portfolio, a community profile, an oral presentation, a poster presentation, a literature review, a report, a briefing paper and a protocol.The exam elements include a mix of exams and include short answer, practical tasks, MCQs and essay style exams.CareersThis Public Health course opens up a variety of employment opportunities in the UK and internationally, and across the public and voluntary sectors, e.g, in schools, colleges and universities, advocacy organisations, international non-government organisations, consulting firms, local and national government organisations, health delivery organisations and community development organisations.There is also opportunity to work in global organisations such as the World Health Organisation.MSc Public Health does not lead to registration on any professional register but can contribute towards preparation for Part A of the Faculty of Public Health examinations.Graduates can also progress to a PhD or research degree.