MSc Interactive Media

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
MSc Interactive Media

Check out our blog to find out what our graduates have to say about the course at: This CONVERSION COURSE is intended for graduates who do not have a Computer Science Degree and would like to attain skills that are in demand by the IT sector. The aim of the MSc in Interactive Media is to equip you with qualifications relevant to the multimedia, broadcast, games, web, social media and general ICT industries. Interactive media is a fast-changing discipline, so we actively engage with industry and the research communities to ensure that the content of the course is continuously evolving and relevant, preparing students for a productive future in the digital media industry.Click here to hear what our graduates have to say: Laura – MSc Interactive MediaCompanies actively recruiting our graduates:Accenture, Aer Lingus, Agility M3, Allied Irish Banks, Altada Technology Solutions Ltd, Amazon, Apple, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Bank of Ireland, BT, Central Statistics Office, Cisco, CiTi-Technology, Clearstream, Cloudreach, Dell EMC, Deloitte, Deutche Bank, Enterprise Ireland, Ericsson, Ernst & Young, Ervia, Facebook, First Derivatives, Google, Guidewire, Intel, IBM, Janssen, KPMG, Logitech, Microsoft, Open Text, Paddy Power, Pfizer, Pilz, PWC, SAP Galway, Screendragon, Transverse Technologies, Trend Micro, Tyco, Uniwink, Verizon Connect,  Snipp Interactive, Version 1 (Software), VMware, and more.