MSc Geotechnical Engineering
Gain knowledge in rock engineering, site investigation, data capture and data analysis required to understand the issues facing engineers excavating increasingly ambitious and complex underground spaces.Delivered by staff with strong research interests directly related to the topics covered, modules involve a broad range of activities and teaching delivery methods.Camborne School of Mines (CSM) has a world-class reputation and excellent alumni network, allowing our graduates to prosper in their respective fields in all corners of the globe.Take advantage of workshops using the latest industry relevant computational tools, practical activities and group and individual exercises.Blend of rock engineering and geotechnical data analysis modules this programme is highly vocational and specifically aimed at career opportunities for postgraduates.Gain knowledge in rock engineering, site investigation, data capture and data analysis required to understand the issues facing engineers excavating increasingly ambitious and complex underground spaces.Delivered by staff with strong research interests directly related to the topics covered, modules involve a broad range of activities and teaching delivery methods.Camborne School of Mines (CSM) has a world-class reputation and excellent alumni network, allowing our graduates to prosper in their respective fields in all corners of the globe.Take advantage of workshops using the latest industry relevant computational tools, practical activities and group and individual exercises.Blend of rock engineering and geotechnical data analysis modules this programme is highly vocational and specifically aimed at career opportunities for postgraduates.