MSc Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
MSc Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship

To thrive a disrupted world you will need creativity as well as commercial acumen. Come to the multi-award-winning home of innovative, design-led, creative business education and transform your prospects.The MSc Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship will teach you how to apply your existing undergraduate degree knowledge in real-world business challenges appropriate to joining innovative organisations. You’ll get the chance to:We welcome students from any discipline who are thinking about building a career either in large commercial organisations or start-ups.This programme shares much of its teaching with our other Innovation and Entrepreneurship programmes (MSc and MA) but has a specific focus on intrapreneurial activity adding value within existing organisations.This course will develop the high-level skills and critical competencies needed for successful organisational innovation and intrapreneurship, through a largely practice-orientated educational approach based on collaborative teamwork across disciplines and cultures.During the programme you get opportunities to work alongside innovators and their businesses to develop a deep understanding of opportunities and challenges.Bristol is a recognised hub for innovative and entrepreneurial business, being ranked within the top 5 best places in the UK to start-up outside of London (Startup Cities Index, 2022), and home to some of the most impactful, innovative, and creative organisations in the world.Find out more about the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.