MPhil Politics, Languages and International Studies
OverviewThe Master of Philosophy (MPhil) programme will enable you to conduct supervised research into your chosen topic and produce a written thesis (typically up to 70,000 words). You can complete the MPhil in 1 to 3 years (full-time) or up to 4 years (part-time).Dr Susan Milner provides an overview of the PhD in Politics, Languages and International Studies at the University of Bath. Current students Milena Romano and Syed Shah share their PhD experience.Most students are registered in the first instance for the degree of MPhil. Students are expected to carry out supervised research at the leading edge of their chosen subject, which must then be written up as a substantial thesis. The transfer from MPhil to PhD is subject to students passing an assessment process which normally involves submission of written work and an oral examination.Doctoral Training CentreThis programme is recognised as being part of the following ESRC-funded South West Doctoral Training Partnership (SWDTP) Political Science & International Studies discipline-specific pathway.