MPH Public Health (Health Economics)

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
MPH Public Health (Health Economics)

This programme will prepare graduates to develop specialist and applied economic analyses relevant to health service delivery with potential to be translated into policy. The programme prepares graduates to create analyses, cost and decision analytic models, and evaluations with potential to underpin decision- making and investment in population health improvement initiatives.CAREER PROSPECTSGraduates have entered a wide range of professions and job roles across the world, for example:public health specialistclinical senior researcherpolicy officersenior research nurselead pharmacistspecialist registrarresearch scientist.lecturerhealth development managerpublic health advisorhealth programme specialistsmedical practitioner positions in public healthclinical university teacherresearch positionsOthers have gone on to study for PhDs in public heath and epidemiology.