MComp (Hons) Computer Games Programming
**Summary**: This integrated master’s course combines cutting-edge research with current industry practice to prepare you for a career as a games AI specialist or to undertake advanced research in the area.**Course details**: The final year includes the study and application of advanced techniques following two topics illustrative of the most current industrial trends in the area of games development. Advanced AI Applications for Interactive Entertainment will cover application of AI planning to interactive entertainment applications, such as interactive storytelling; aspects of symbolic AI relevant to games, including modelling for constraint programming and other logical formalisms and advanced techniques in natural language processing. Intelligent Multimodal Interaction will cover advanced topics in human-computer interaction relating to adaptive, intelligent and multimodal interface design and implementation, and their current and potential future use as part of games technology. Each module applies a research informed teaching approach to present advanced AI techniques applied to current computer games. This course is particularly suitable if you want to study AI to a more advanced level to develop particular expertise within game development.We have established excellent long-term relationships with businesses giving you the opportunity to apply for summer, year-long and graduate placements with key organisations such as: Microsoft, Rare, Team 17, ZeroLight, R8 Games, Hammerhead VR, Dojo Arcade, Schlumberger, Sumo Digital and Coastsink. Placements are not compulsory but if taken, are assessed and contribute to your final degree award.**After the course**: You are ideally suited for employment in the games development industry and similar creative industries. There are a variety of programming roles within these industries such as gameplay programmer, tools programmer, middleware developer and mobile application programmer. The course gives you a strong foundation in computer programming also allowing for a career in mainstream software development.