MBChB Medicine

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
MBChB Medicine

University of Liverpool has opted into the TEF and received a Silver award. The University of Liverpool School of Medicine aspires to create capable, confident and caring doctors equipped to practice in a 21st Century Healthcare Environment.The MBChB Programme aims to graduate the doctors ready to deliver outstanding patient care in the current and future healthcare system, by developing students who are able to apply a compassionate, evidence-based and patient centred approach to their clinical practice. The programme is underpinned by a vision to harness expertise, from across the University and further afield, in developing our students’ understanding of the potential for 21st century medical practice.The educational aims of the MBChB are to:To ensure graduates are able to demonstrate the necessary knowledge, skills and professional behaviours to safely and ethically practice medicine.1. To ensure graduates are able to meet the core requirements set out by the General Medical Council in “Outcomes for Graduates”.2. To enable graduates to become lifelong learners committed to their own professional development.The MBChB programme is a 5 year, full time, non-modular programme. The curriculum is organised and delivered through a number of supra-themes, under which fall a number of defined themes:**MBChB Curriculum Supra-Themes and Themes**Supra-Theme : Science and Scholarship:Themes: Science of Medicine, Research and Scholarship, Design and Technology, Personalised Medicine and Genetics; The Good Doctor; Psychology and Sociology as Applied to Medicine (PSM); The Clinical Team; Professionalism, ethics and legal context; Public, Preventative and Global HealthSupra-Theme : Core SkillsThemes: Clinical Examination and procedural skills; Communication for Clinical Practice (CCP); Therapeutics and prescribing; Patient in Secondary Care Acutely Ill Patient; Preparation for PracticeSupra-Theme: Patient in the Community SettingTheme: Patient Care Pathways; Disability and Community Care; General PracticeThe curriculum is delivered under a spiral model, under which concepts are introduced at an appropriate level, and revisited with increasing levels of complexity as the course progresses. The structure of the programme can thus be broadly understood as follows:MBChB Programme StructureYear 1 Core clinical science: the structure and function of the human body under ‘normal’ conditionsYear 2 Pathology and disease: ‘abnormality and illness’ and the interaction with the environmentYear 3 Becoming a practitioner: Core clinical practiceYear 4 Broadening expertise: Specialist and challenging clinical practiceYear 5 Preparing for practice: Emergency and acute clinical medicineIn years one and two, all students follow the same lecture timetable, and are allocated to smaller groups for workshops, seminars and practical skill (clinical skills and anatomy) sessions. All teaching in Year 1 takes place on the University of Liverpool campus.Throughout years 2-5 students undertake clinical placements. Local NHS Trusts, GP practices, hospices, specialist services and community services deliver the placement components of the programme. During the course of their studies, students will be expected to rotate through the different clinical providers for variable lengths of time, dependent upon placement block requirements. Secondary care providers are as follows: Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Aintree Hospital, Arrowe Park Hospital, Blackpool Hospital, Countess of Chester Hospital, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, Liverpool Women’s Hospital, Royal Liverpool Hospital, Southport & Ormskirk Hospital, Warrington Hospital, Whiston Hospital, The Walton Centre.The programme is accredited by the General Medical Council (GMC).This programme is available with a Year in