MA (Hons) Scottish Literature/Sociology

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
MA (Hons) Scottish Literature/Sociology

**Scottish Literature** is the study of the poetry, drama, fiction and prose of Scotland, in English and Scots, from its beginnings in the 14th century to the most contemporary work. The University hosts the only academic unit in the UK exclusively dedicated to the teaching of, and research into, Scottish literature. We are home to the Centre for Robert Burns Studies, which has been awarded over £2 million in funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and which is engaged in the production of a new, multi-volume, scholarly edition of the works of Scotland’s national poet. **Sociology** studies the ways that people organise their lives together, the constraints within which they do so, the patterns of their social behaviour, and the causes and consequences of social inequalities. One of the distinctive features of our Sociology programme, commended by external examiners and by our graduates, is the combination of sociological, criminological and anthropological perspectives which we provide.