MA (Hons) Scottish History/Scottish Literature
**Scottish History**: the study of history is the study of change and continuity in human society through time. Scottish history is the study of Scotland’s past. Scottish History at Glasgow boasts world-leading researchers at the cutting edge of the discipline across all periods, from medieval to modern. The Centre for Scottish & Celtic Studies at Glasgow addresses Scottish history in a genuinely cross disciplinary environment and students are encouraged to get involved. **Scottish Literature** is the study of the poetry, drama, fiction and prose of Scotland, in English and Scots, from its beginnings in the 14th century to the most contemporary work. The University hosts the only academic unit in the UK exclusively dedicated to the teaching of, and research into, Scottish literature. We are home to the Centre for Robert Burns Studies, which has been awarded over £2 million in funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and which is engaged in the production of a new, multi-volume, scholarly edition of the works of Scotland’s national poet.