MA (Hons) Music/Theology & Religious Studies
MUSIC: – If you have practical experience in music and a keen interest in the technical, cultural, historical, and philosophical questions it opens up, then this programme is for you. In each year you are given a range of options both in Music and other subjects, allowing you to design a degree pathway that caters to your own particular interests and strengths. In each year you are given a range of options from which to choose, allowing you to design your degree to cater to your own particular interests and strengths. THEOLOGY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES: – Theology & Religious Studies encompasses the study of religion, religions, the Bible and theology – not as worlds apart, but as they relate to politics, history, literature, philosophy, art and culture as well as to personal belief and practice. It is open to students of all faiths and none. You can study new languages from scratch: Greek and Hebrew are available from beginners’ level upward, so that you can learn to read the ancient texts of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament in their original languages. Our staff have a wide range of specialties which will help you to understand world religions: including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism; in their cultural, political and intellectual context. In addition, we have a team of knowledgeable and friendly staff who help make TRS at Glasgow a great place to study.