MA (Hons) Liberal Arts

Last updated: August 31, 2023 | By  
MA (Hons) Liberal Arts

This course represents the finest Scottish Liberal Arts tradition of extensive study over a wide range of subjects and disciplines.It gives you the freedom to study several different subjects that interest and challenge you, without the requirement to specialise in only one or two. Although you also have the freedom to focus on one subject if you choose.You can choose from across the range of MA subjects in both the humanities and social sciences. Modules include:Creative WritingEconomicsEnglishEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental SustainabilityEuropean LanguagesFilm StudiesGeographyHistoryInternational BusinessPhilosophyPolitics & International RelationsPsychologyUrban PlanningWe work hard to combine tradition with innovation. You can study anything from Shakespeare to human rights, science fiction to African history, macroeconomics to polar environments.