MA (Hons) History of Art/Theology & Religious Studies

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
MA (Hons) History of Art/Theology & Religious Studies

HISTORY OF ART: – History of art seeks to understand how and why paintings, sculptures, buildings and works in a variety of media come to look the way they do. You will benefit from the extensive resources of the University Library and Archives, and The Hunterian, the University’s museum and art gallery, which feature the world-famous Hunter, Whistler and Mackintosh collections. You will also have access to Kelvin Hall, the University and City’s innovative collections-access centre. In your third-year vacation you will receive a grant to assist you to visit museums, galleries and buildings relevant to your chosen course options and dissertation subject. THEOLOGY & RELIGIOUS STUDIES: – Theology & Religious Studies encompasses the study of religion, religions, the Bible and theology – not as worlds apart, but as they relate to politics, history, literature, philosophy, art and culture as well as to personal belief and practice. It is open to students of all faiths and none. You can study new languages from scratch: Greek and Hebrew are available from beginners’ level upward, so that you can learn to read the ancient texts of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament in their original languages. Our staff have a wide range of specialties which will help you to understand world religions: including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism; in their cultural, political and intellectual context. In addition, we have a team of knowledgeable and friendly staff who help make TRS at Glasgow a great place to study.