MA (Hons) History of Art/Mathematics

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
MA (Hons) History of Art/Mathematics

HISTORY OF ART: – History of art seeks to understand how and why paintings, sculptures, buildings and works in a variety of media come to look the way they do. You will benefit from the extensive resources of the University Library and Archives, and The Hunterian, the University’s museum and art gallery, which feature the world-famous Hunter, Whistler and Mackintosh collections. You will also have access to Kelvin Hall, the University and City’s innovative collections-access centre. In your third-year vacation you will receive a grant to assist you to visit museums, galleries and buildings relevant to your chosen course options and dissertation subject. MATHEMATICS: – Mathematics is a vast and ever-growing subject which incorporates successful explorations of numerical, geometrical and logical relationships. Our ambassador scheme gives students the chance to spend time in schools, experiencing teaching at first hand and developing vital workplace skills.