MA Global Media and Cultural Industries

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
MA Global Media and Cultural Industries

We have a proud history of pioneering work in political communications, media and cultural policy. The course draws on the expertise of our Centre for Research in Communication and Culture, specifically in transnational and comparative research and the political economy of communications.Media and cultural industries are not only important sources of wealth creation and employment but they can also create inequality through shaping everyday culture and public opinion. The products of media and cultural industries are increasingly governed and consumed transnationally. ‘Who owns and controls the media?’, ‘To what ends?’ and ‘How can media and cultural policy encourage greater cultural participation and more inclusive forms of democracy?’ These crucial questions will be explored through the course content which covers a range of topics including defining modern media, the idea of modernity, media and power, social networks analysis and critical discourse analysis.The Centre for Research in Communication and Culture (CRCC) brings together Loughborough University’s world leading researchers in media, communication and culture, and our MA programmes are informed by this cutting-edge research.As part of our MA Global Media and Cultural Industries programme, you will have the opportunity to undertake a four-week placement over the Easter break, which can be recognised as part of your dissertation research project. You will be given information about the process of finding placements in the ‘employability skills’ taught sessions in term one which forms part of the dissertation module.If you wish to take up this opportunity you will be supported through the process by the department’s placements advisor and the careers and employability team. Support from our award-winning Careers Network is not restricted to placements and work experience – they provide a variety of services to students on-demand and throughout the year.Who should study this programme?Our MA Global Media and Cultural Industries would be suitable for students who are looking to further their understanding of advanced concepts and theories drawn from media, communications and associated disciplines.