M.Sc. Nursing
Course DescriptionThe programme seeks to enable registered nurses to acquire the sophisticated knowledge, skills and decision-making abilities necessary to practice in dynamic healthcare environments. It is intended that graduates of this programme will be equipped to become leaders in their respective disciplines and to enhance nursing practice through their advanced research and critical thinking skills. On completion of this course participants will be able to:Strengthen and develop their expertise in their area of practice through the use of enhanced knowledge, reflective skills and research-based practice.Devise, implement, and evaluate methods for improving the quality of nursing care and /or nurse education provided in Ireland.Exercise administrative and intellectual leadership in their profession and the disciplines contained within.Extend their skills in the critical evaluation of research reports and plan, conduct and evaluate research studies.Course Duration and Structure The programme takes place over two years on a part-time basis or one year on a full-time basis.A blended learning approach is utilised in the delivery of theoretical content, including lectures, group discussion, Blackboard and self-directed learning. The assessment process used is a combination of written and online assessments.