International Foundation Year – Accounting and Finance

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
International Foundation Year – Accounting and Finance

This course has been designed to introduce international students from different educational and language backgrounds to life and study at UK universities. It aims to give you a deep understanding of academic culture that will allow you to flourish in your degree studies. As well as providing a thorough academic orientation and induction, on successful completion, it also supports you to develop the appropriate level of academic language, study skills and content knowledge to meet the entry requirements of your destination degree programme. This solid foundation aims to enable you to ‘hit the ground running’ on your degree, help you take a critical approach, reflect on your learning, organise your studies and be an independent learner. You can study this course via the following pathways: Delivered at Coventry University: CUCIFY02 (IELTS 4.5) CUCIFY08 (IELTS 5.0) CUCIFY09 (IELTS 5.5) Delivered at Coventry University London: CUCLIFY02 (IELTS 4.5) CUCLIFY08 (IELTS 5.0) CUCLIFY09 (IELTS 5.5) On successful completion of the International Foundation Year (Accounting and Finance) you will be eligible to progress onto the following Coventry University or Coventry University London degrees (subject to meeting the specified entry criteria): Coventry University Accountancy BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons) Business Economics BSc (Hons) Business and Finance BSc (Hons) Economics BSc (Hons) Finance and Investment BSc (Hons) Finance BSc (Hons) Financial Economics BSc (Hons) Coventry University London Financial Economics and Banking BSc (Hons) International Finance and Accounting BA (Hons)