BSc (Hons) Zoology with Foundation Year

Last updated: August 31, 2023 | By  
BSc (Hons) Zoology with Foundation Year

The professionally-accredited BSc (Hons) Zoology with Foundation Year at Liverpool John Moores University is the ideal course if you are interested in this subject but lack the necessary qualifications to study it at degree level. – Accredited by the Royal Society of Biology- Optional overseas fieldwork (self-funded) – previous destinations have included Tenerife, Costa Rica and Malaysia- Option to undertake a 4-6 week placement and/or a 12-month sandwich placement in the UK or overseas – Easy access to local zoos and diverse habitat sites and ecosystems in North Wales, Lancashire, Snowdonia and the Lake District- Excellent prospects in a diverse range of animal-related careers, including clinical and veterinary-related science, animal training, ecological consultancy, animal welfare and conservation, wildlife education, teaching and lecturing