BSc (Hons) Zoology
Zoology is the scientific study of all aspects of animals, their structure, function, ecology and evolution.You’ll take part in field courses on Loch Lomond and at the Marine Biology Station at Millport in the Firth of Clyde.Life Sciences at GlasgowWith hands-on experience and flexible degrees, studying at the School of Life Sciences challenges you to apply the theory of the classroom in practical situations, in the lab or the field. We offer an extremely wide range of courses in human and animal biology, biomolecular sciences, infection and immunity. Our aim is to offer internationally competitive degrees that meet the needs of today’s science graduates. To achieve this aim, we utilise the research and teaching strengths of the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences to provide our graduates with the skills necessary for success in any chosen career.We have a large and diverse student body, which includes Scottish, UK, EU and international students. We regularly welcome visiting and exchange students, and we believe in the many advantages our students gain from adding an international dimension to their studies.CAREER PROSPECTSOur graduates are employed in research underpinning medicine, agriculture, fisheries and wildlife conservation. An increasing number of graduates also go into environmental monitoring. Others find careers in teaching in a variety of educational establishments, in museums and in the media.CAREER OPTIONSResearch scientistMarine conservation scientistInternational wildlife conservation consultantEnvironmental policy officerZoo education officerAcademic researcherConservation projects managerConsultant ornithologist