BSc (Hons) Software Engineering with Foundation Year

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BSc (Hons) Software Engineering with Foundation Year

Software engineering is central to the success of many of today’s businesses, and this vocational course shares a first year with a number of other relevant BSc degrees. It then offers the opportunity for specialist study in the second and third stages, during which you will learn the principles of the subject. A final year project will allow you to work with greater focus, leading to the possibility of future research. You will also gain management skills and knowledge of organisational contexts, and develop into a reflective practitioner. You will gain valuable skills for a career as a Software Analyst, Developer and/or Tester as well as those relevant for the wider world of IT and business.The final year unit ‘Social and Professional Project Management’ requires you to work in a team to apply current project management methodology that embraces all of these knowledge areas in an integrated way while going through the stages of planning, execution and project control. You will work as part of a team, take responsibility and make autonomous decisions that impact on the project team performance. The final year project fosters independent and autonomous study. You learn to take up the responsibility of conducting your project, typically derived from your own ideas, in collaboration with a dedicated member of the teaching staff as project supervisor.The Foundation Year provides an opportunity to build up your academic writing skills and numeracy, and will also cover a range of subject specific content to fully prepare you for entry to an Undergraduate degree. This is an integrated four-year degree, with the foundation year as a key part of the course. You will need to successfully complete the Foundation Year to progress on to the first year of your bachelor’s degree. During your Foundation Year you will get the opportunity to talk to tutors about your degree study and future career aspirations, and receive guidance on the most appropriate Undergraduate course to help you achieve this; providing you meet the entry requirements and pass the Foundation Year.