BSc (Hons) Software Engineering (4 Years including Foundation)

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BSc (Hons) Software Engineering (4 Years including Foundation)

The BSc (Hons) Software Engineering degree covers the theory and practice of modern software engineering, including the tools, technologies and methods used in this field. You will expand your knowledge and expertise in the design, development and delivery of software for modern environments and platforms. The course will develop an appreciation of software carpentry and ‘codemanship’: creating useful and usable software artefacts. You will cover essential computing fundamentals before focusing on the design and development of software for particular applications, along with architectural paradigms such as parallel and distributed computing. Furthermore, you will gain highly transferable computational thinking, analytical and problem solving skills.You will have the option of broadening your studies to include topics such as web technology, networks, digital and cyber security, or computer graphics, to be prepared for a varied career in applied software engineering. You can also choose a specialist pathway and graduate with a named award in:- BSc (Hons) Software Engineering (Web Technology)- BSc (Hons) Software Engineering (Augmented & Virtual Reality) – BSc (Hons) Software Engineering (Network Security)- BSc (Hons) Software Engineering (Data Security)Software Engineering graduates will find a wide variety of career opportunities, from traditional software companies to development and information technology teams in other sectors, both public and private.