BSc (Hons) Pharmacology

Last updated: August 31, 2023 | By  
BSc (Hons) Pharmacology

This course explores approaches to treatment with a focus on neuroscience, metabolic disease, and cancer – all research strengths at Dundee. This gives you an understanding of how scientists explore biomedical discoveries and develop them from initial innovation to real-world application.You’ll focus on topics like molecular pharmacology and quantitative pharmacology – how drugs behave depending on various factors.Gaining an understanding of key theories, from the molecular level to full body systems and beyond, is important to understand the field as a whole.Your first two years will cover concepts including genetics, cell division, biological organisation, molecular mechanisms, and processes.You’ll develop practical skills, including laboratory skills, data analysis, and how to design and run experiments. This will prepare you for carrying out projects later in your course.You will pick modules that suits your interests and can transfer to a different life sciences degree if you choose the relevant modules.Our course curriculum is shaped by the work of our world-leading researchers to make sure you’re learning the latest advances, as well as gaining an understanding of the fundamentals of the field.Lab sessions will bring together your knowledge and practical skills, as well as helping you develop strong transferable skills.