BSc (Hons) Midwifery

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BSc (Hons) Midwifery

Helping mothers bring new life into the world must surely be one of the most rewarding professions and a shortage of midwives in the NHS in England alone means that now more than ever they are in great demand. While there are lots of opportunities for midwives to work on antenatal, labour and postnatal wards and neonatal units in hospitals, more midwives are also now working in the community, providing services in women’s homes, local clinics, children’s centres and GP surgeries.This exciting course aims to prepare you for the dynamic and fast changing health and social care system, developing you into an adaptable, flexible, reflective, competent and compassionate practitioner. A key benefit of our curriculum is the notion of collaboration across all areas of health and social care: some modules are studied in conjunction with other health and social care professionals; looking at specific issues and challenges they face to broaden your knowledge and expertise.From the outset, you’ll have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience under the supervision of an experienced midwife, who will support you to manage a small caseload during the course. You will be encouraged to develop the clinical and care skills to become a professionally competent midwife who can soundly analyse a woman’s needs, plan an appropriate programme of care and then implement it safely, effectively and sensitively.We emphasise a problem-solving approach, reinforced by the capacity to evaluate the best possible outcome and reflect upon personal performance. You will be taught to place the mother, baby and family at the centre of care and will operate flexibly as a member of the wider inter-professional team.To increase your employability, the course also incorporates the theory component of the Newborn Infant Physical Examination (NIPE), which delivers the content specific for the knowledge and skills required to cover the NHS Ante natal and New-born Screening Programme as required by the National Screening Committee.Our links with universities in Malaysia, China, Hong Kong and Kenya provide opportunities for student exchanges and, through the University’s volunteering schemes, you have the chance to work overseas on ‘live’ projects such as orphanage work in Uganda. European links are also in development with potential field trips to Finland and Spain to compare health courses and nurse training globally.**Key Course Benefits*** Strong student satisfaction – 100% overall as reported in the National Student Survey (NSS) 2018.* Field trips within the UK include visits to the first operating theatre in London and museums capturing the history of nursing and healthcare (additional costs may apply).* Nursing and Midwifery at Coventry is ranked 7th best in the UK by the Guardian University Guide 2019.* Well established placements for midwifery students in Coventry and Warwickshire at the George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust, South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust and University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust.* Multimillion state-of-the-art Alison Gingell Building provides facilities for teaching and research, featuring an operating theatre, critical care settings, community housing and other real life nursing environments relevant to practice.