BSc (Hons) Medical Imaging (Diagnostic Radiography)

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BSc (Hons) Medical Imaging (Diagnostic Radiography)

Our BSc (Hons) in Medical Imaging (Diagnostic Radiography) aims to ensure that, on graduation, you have the skills required to successfully embark on a career as a Diagnostic Radiographer and to be eligible to apply for registration with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). This full-time three-year programme includes clinical placements which stretch into the summer vacation and as such this programme is longer than those in other subjects. This enables us to provide both the academic and practical content in sufficient detail to ensure that at the end of three years you are competent to start work as a Diagnostic Radiographer. We aim to educate radiographers to be caring professionals, able to empathise with patients and offer high levels of patient care, while being confident in their technical ability through a strong academic foundation and able to work effectively in a multi-professional environment. Interprofessional learning is delivered as part of the core syllabus and in practice, where our students are encouraged to develop the insight and skills needed to work effectively in the multidisciplinary hospital setting upon graduation. The Radiography degree is based in South Cloisters at our St Luke’s Campus, where we have excellent facilities including a diagnostic x-ray room with digital imaging facilities and laboratories for computing and practical work.