BSc (Hons) Mathematics

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BSc (Hons) Mathematics

Mathematics is a vast and ever-growing subject which incorporates successful explorations of numerical, geometrical and logical relationships.It uses reasoned argument from basic postulates and principles to explain the pattern and structure of the world we observe, to suggest pattern and structure as yet unobserved, and in general, provide tools that can be used to understand and manage the universe in which we live. In Pure Mathematics these postulates often take the form of concepts from geometry or properties of numbers, whereas in Applied Mathematics the postulates typically take the form of laws that can be tested rigorously by experiment.Mathematics provides practitioners with a sophisticated toolbox for use in the manipulation of information, and the means to impose pattern and structure on that information.CAREER PROSPECTSMany of our graduates go on to careers in the financial services sector or computing, or undertake postgraduate study. Others are employed in industry, using the modelling and problem-solving skills gained on the programme. Our recent graduates have been employed by:PricewaterhouseCoopersGrant ThorntonAlexander SloanCignaDeloitteRoyal Bank of ScotlandCredit Suisse