BSc (Hons) Life Sciences

Last updated: August 31, 2023 | By  
BSc (Hons) Life Sciences

This course is designed for you if you have not achieved the grades needed to apply for our life sciences degrees, or if you have had to deal with other issues during your studies which have impacted on your learning.You’ll learn the core skills in chemistry and numeracy that you’ll need to succeed throughout your degree.You’ll start by taking a HNC at Dundee and Angus College to learn about the basics of biology and gain knowledge and practical skills to help you move on to one of our life sciences courses. If you successfully complete the HNC, you can apply to enter one of our degrees from Level 2 and choose which of our biological or biomedical sciences courses you’d like to graduate in.Once you’ve completed this course and move into Level 2 of our life sciences curriculum, you’ll cover important topics in biology like genetics, cell biology, biological organisation, molecular mechanisms and processes. You’ll further develop practical skills, including laboratory skills, data analysis, and how to design and run experiments. This will prepare you for carrying out projects later in your course.Once you’re in Levels 3 and 4, you can pick modules that interest you, and transfer on to a different life sciences course if you find your interests change, as long as you’ve chosen the relevant modules. Our course curriculum is shaped by the work of our world-leading researchers to make sure you’re learning the latest advances, as well as gaining an understanding of the fundamentals of the field.