BSc (Hons) Data Sciences

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BSc (Hons) Data Sciences

OverviewFrom Finance to Social Media, the world revolves around Data! In order to remain relevant and competitive in all industries, businesses today must rely on data scientists to analyse their large sets of data and draw out performance boosting insights. In fact, data scientists are so highly sought after that in 2020 alone, there is expected to be nearly 3 million new job postings for professionals with data science and analytic skills.This BSc (Hons) Data Sciences programme, will help you to get a head start in this innovative career. You will learn the technical and analytical skills to navigate through this data field and how to extract valuable insight from the vast amounts of data available to you.Teaching quality90% of our 2018 graduates reported in the National Student Survey that staff are good at explaining things.Links with industryWe have very strong links with the computing industry, with representatives of more than 30 companies attending our Industrial Advisory Board. Much of our research is in collaboration with leading computing enterprises and students really value our research-led teaching by our enthusiastic staff.AccreditationThe Computer Science Department has been delivering BCS-accredited programmes for more than 30 years.Our Computer Science degree is accredited by BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT on behalf of the Engineering Council, fully meeting the academic requirement for Incorporated Engineer and partially meeting the academic requirement for a Chartered Engineer.It’s also accredited by BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT on behalf of the Science Council for the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered Scientist.EmployabilityWork and studyThis is what our BSc (Hons) Data Sciences students are doing 15 months after graduating:69% are working9% are studying14% are working and studying.In highly skilled work82% of those are in highly skilled work 15 months after graduating.SalaryThe average salary of students 15 months after graduating: £24000The average UK salary of students 15 months after graduating from a similar course: £27000JobsThese are the most common jobs students go into 15 months after graduating:Business and public service associate professionalsBusiness, research and administrative professionalsInformation technology and telecommunications professionals