BSc (Hons) Criminology with Study Abroad
Crimes and what can be done about them are never matters far from public attention.As with many Criminology degrees the programme at Exeter offers the opportunity to study policing, prisons and probation. In addition though, we also include a strong focus on international conflict, war and crime, transitional justice and human rights.Although rooted in strong sociological approaches, this truly inter-disciplinary programme gives you the opportunity to combine a range of different perspectives on crime and deviance via an impressive range of modules from within the Department of Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology, as well as other departments across the university. Offered under the prestigious Q-step programme, the Bsc in Criminology will train you in applied research and data analysis skills which will help you investigate the nature of crime, for instance by analysing crime survey data or the types of information used to inform intelligence-led policing and offender profiling. Additional learning support is provided for all the data analysis modules, and you’ll also receive access to specialist training resources.You’ll benefit from a placement with one of our workplace partners, supported by bursary of up to £2000. Designed to give you an opportunity to put in to practice the skills that you are learning on this programme, as well as experience data analysis tools and techniques being used in the real world, you can choose from a wide variety of placements locally, nationally and in Europe – from public sector organisations to industry to NGOs. The work placement is not compulsory but we would strongly encourage you to take a placement as it will enhance your academic learning, give you practical experience and start building your networks with potential employers.The aim of the programme is to provide you with a full range of social science research skills that will enable you to engage with the nature and complexity of social life, deviance and crime, graduating with specific technical skills sought by employers. The programme is particularly suitable if you are interested in developing a career in the criminal justice system, policy development, non-governmental organisations or any research-based career such as journalism or social research.