BSc (Hons) Computing (Top-up)

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BSc (Hons) Computing (Top-up)

Computing is a fast paced and exciting discipline that thrives on innovation and has the potential to change the world. To be an effective practitioner in this area requires the ability to stay up to date with rapidly changing technologies and the competence to apply these technologies effectively. This top-up year is for people with a higher diploma in an I.T. subject awarded in UK or an international institution that aim to obtain a BSc degree in Computing. This top-year equips students with the professional skills and techniques required to pursue a career in the I.T. sector. The design of the programme is informed by the industry needs and industry specialists are often invited to the college to share their experiences including the latest developments in industry through lectures and seminars. Modules studied ensure graduates acquire the high level technical abilities and knowledge needed in the industry as well as developing research skills to be innovative. Students will have access to industry standard software and will be able put into practice the theory in workplace settings. The course aims to provide students with a balanced set of knowledge and skills emphasising the personal, interpersonal and project skills necessary to make these skills applicable to the modern workplace. The final year project will provide the student with the opportunity to put into practice the academic knowledge acquired during the degree.