BSc (Hons) Computer Security and Forensics

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BSc (Hons) Computer Security and Forensics

**The University of Greenwich has a long-standing relationship with the British Computer Society (BCS), which accredits our computing degree programmes. As this programme was extensively updated in 2019, it has a current designation of Initial Full Chartered Information Technology Professional (CITP) and Partial Chartered Engineer (CEng) accreditation for the 2019 intake. The accreditation status is expected to be confirmed in autumn 2022 after the first cohort of students graduate. Students will be kept updated on the status of this, in the very unlikely event that this does not progress as expected the university will support students with individual BCS membership applications at the point of graduation.****This degree equips you with the investigative skills, tools and techniques that are fundamental to computer security and forensics.**On this computer security and forensics degree, you will gain practical experience in using current generation tools and techniques for developing, maintaining and designing secure computer systems. The modules you can study include Penetration Testing and Ethical Vulnerability Scanning, Computer Forensics and Information Security.You will learn about the security needs of networks, users and applications, and the forensic methods required for the collection and preservation of evidence. You will also explore the legal, social, ethical, and professional issues which can arise within computer security and forensics.**What you should know about this course*** You will develop knowledge of computer and organisational security, computer crime, police and forensic methods, and the requirements for collecting evidence.* This degree allows you to master techniques for critically evaluating and modelling the security, performance and quality of security systems.* The University of Greenwich is an academic partner with The Council for Registered Ethical Security Testers (CREST).* The University of Greenwich is an academic partner with the Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec), appointed by National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), which is part of GCHQ.