BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences with Professional Placement
This four-year version of the BSc Biological Sciences degree includes a year spent undertaking a professional placement between the second and final years. You will spend this third year working in an appropriate business or industry with services in biological research, analysis or consultancy.Biological Sciences is our most popular and flexible degree programme, giving you the option to design either a broad-based biology degree or a more focused degree specialising in areas of biology that interest you. You will have the opportunity to follow one of three specialisms – animal biology, microbiology and infectious disease or molecular and cellular biology – and graduate with your chosen specialism named as part of your degree title, eg, BSc Biological Sciences (Animal Biology).After a foundation first year, which covers the range of biology from molecules to ecosystems, you have complete freedom of module choice in your second and final years. Options range from forensic science to the ecology of environmental change; from mammalian biology to medical biotechnology; from human molecular biology to a coral reef field course. You can shape your degree as you wish – following one of the named specialisms outlined above, or in other areas, whilst keeping your biological choices broad.Our Biological Sciences degree leads to a variety of employment and further study opportunities in a wide spectrum of bioscience-related areas and can also act as an excellent foundation for non science-related career paths.Why study Biological Sciences at Exeter?•study a broad-based biology curriculum with the scope to specialise as you progress, including the option to follow one of three named specialisms that can be reflected in the degree title with which you graduate•experience teaching graded nationally as ‘Excellent’ with staff who are research leaders•work in state-of-the-art learning facilities•undertake field courses overseas or in the UK•acquire key transferable skills and knowledge•carry out challenging independent research•graduate with outstanding employment prospects