BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences

Last updated: August 31, 2023 | By  
BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences

About the courseBiological Sciences is a fascinating subject area and it’s related to our everyday existence. It studies life and living organisms including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution and taxonomy. From the growth and division of simple bacteria through to the evolution, development, growth and adaptation of complex multi-cellular organisms, and the emerging role of genomics in personalised medicine and biodiversity in a changing world.This course is accredited by the Royal Society of Biology.You’ll have the opportunity to study core topics and consider contemporary issues in all major aspects of biology. Optional choices in each year of your course provide you with opportunities to specialise further in core areas of molecular cell biology, organismal biology, and ecology and environmental biology. Or alternatively, you can vary your choice of optional modules to keep your coverage of the biological sciences broad.Your learning will be supported by doctoral-level academics with expertise or active research interests in diverse areas of biology and genetics, including cancer pharmacology, ancient and modern patterns of human migration, environmental and evolutionary microbiology, novel antimicrobials, and the molecular and cellular biology of human disease.You’ll receive hands-on practical training in the field and in laboratory using modern equipment, developing the skills and interests that help to prepare you for a research dissertation in the final year. As a further boost for your CV and employment prospects there’s also the opportunity of a placement year in industry or research in the third year of the course.As a student on this course you’ll be able to apply for undergraduate membership of the Biochemical Society and The Physiological Society (UK). You’ll also be eligible for student affiliate membership of the Royal Society of Biology and upon successful graduation be eligible to apply for one year associate membership, this can help open up networks at a crucial time when applying for jobs.Your careerGraduates from our Biological Sciences courses can consider a wide range of career options in areas such as medical research, the NHS, molecular sciences, medical genetics, pharmaceuticals, developing scientific patents, medical sales or marketing, medical writing and teaching.Biological Sciences BSc(Hons) is a new course and therefore there are no graduates as yet. However, previous graduates have gone on to work in roles such as Clinical Study Co-ordinator in Ophthalmology at NHS, Laboratory Technician at ALS, Microbiology Medical Laboratory Technician at IDEXX Laboratories and PhD Researcher at the University of Huddersfield.