BSc (Hons) Biochemistry

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BSc (Hons) Biochemistry

The degree programme in Biochemistry focuses on understanding the biochemical control of biological processes, particularly in the cell, and the tools for investigating these mechanisms. After a broad first year, this degree focuses on cellular biochemistry providing specialist modules aimed at understanding key topics at the frontiers of cell biology. As you progress through years two and three, a wide choice of biochemistry module options is available.Our Biochemistry degree leads to career opportunities in biotechnological, pharmaceutical and other industries, as well as many further study options, including PhD/MSc/MRes programmes.This programme is also available as a four-year degree with the third year spent studying at a partner university abroad, or on an industrial placement.Why study Biochemistry at Exeter?•experience teaching graded nationally as ‘Excellent’ with staff who are research leaders•work in state-of-the-art learning facilities•take the opportunity to study abroad•acquire key transferable skills and knowledge•carry out challenging independent research•undertake a year long industrial placement•graduate with outstanding employment prospectsProgramme variationsProgramme variations•BSc Biochemistry with Industrial Experience•BSc Biochemistry with Study Abroad