BSc (Hons) Applied Engineering
Engineering is the application of scientific methods. Being an Engineer enables you to design create and innovate new products, structures or systems.Given the continual and rapidly-changing face of industry, this course will be structured around applications of engineering technology, with a heavy emphasis on solution-focused project work and industrially-linked student experiences. As widely reported by professional bodies, industry and the media, there is currently an ageing workforce and a significant shortage of engineers across the sector in the UK in all engineering disciplines. Inclusivity is at the core of this course offering a route to HE for students who would normally shy away from a traditional university education, and ensuring graduates leave the university with excellent employability skills and knowledge. The course takes a challenge-based approach and has activity around solving real engineering problems. ‘Making plans work’. Therefore to demonstate your aptitude and ability the assessment mode throught the course will not include examinations. USW Engineering has a long history of graduates who have excellent careers across the industry. Our students are aspirational, able, practical and professional graduates and industry snap them up immediately.