BSc (Honours) Psychological Research Methods & Data Analysis
Students completing this specialization will graduate with a background in the empirical foundations needed to understand how research is conducted in psychology and similar disciplines. In particular, students will dig into how data are analyzed in this field, developing competencies in making sense of and interpreting data. Skills gained through this specialization—critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and data-based decision making—are in-demand across many different fields and give students an edge when pursuing graduate research studies, including Trent’s competitive Master of Science in Psychology. Required Courses PSYC 2018H: Critical Thinking and Research Methods in Psychology (Sc) PSYC 2019H: Basic Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology (Sc) PSYC 3016H: Advanced Statistics and Research Design in Psychology (Sc) PSYC 3017H: Applied Data Analysis for Psychological Research (Sc) Optional Courses: PSYC 4110H: Psychometrics (Sc) PSYC-SOCI 4120H: Qualitative Research and Analysis (Sc) PSYC 4850H: Applied Psychological Research Placement in Aging (Sc) HEAL-NURS-PSYC 3755H: Program Evaluation in Health and Health Care Evaluations (Sc) Reading courses (PSYC 3900Y, 3901H, 3902H, 4900Y, 4901H, 4902H) or research practicum courses (PSYC 3801H, 3802H, 4801H, 4802H) that focus of research methods and data analysis in psychology or psychometrics (Sc) PSYC 4010Y/4020D: Honours Thesis (Sc)