BSc Games Programming

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BSc Games Programming

**Why study this course?**The Games Programming BSc degree will enable you to develop the specialist knowledge and key skills needed to join this thriving industry. You’ll be joining a supportive and friendly community of highly motivated games students who work hard to achieve their goals**More about this course**You’ll start by building a strong base in C++ programming, with mathematics and physics for game development, as well as gaining skills in console hardware architecture and game design. As you progress through the degree you’ll use different graphics libraries and engines to make 2D and 3D games. You’ll develop specialist skills in physical computing, virtual reality and artificial intelligence while becoming proficient in a range of relevant programming and scripting languages.Each year there are core modules on this course that enable artists and programmers to work together and achieve common goals – designing and producing innovative games. This aspect of the student experience is highly commended by our games industry partner TIGA and our industry steering group, as it mimics professional practice.We actively encourage you to engage in public competitions and gaming events such as gamejams, and we hold an annual Summer Show where students at all levels have the opportunity to showcase their work to a wider professional audience.