BA (Hons) Popular Music and Italian

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BA (Hons) Popular Music and Italian

Popular MusicThe nature of the programme varies according to your module choices. In Year One, core modules will take a detailed look at the nature of the popular music industries, and a critical exploration of 20th century popular music history, not only going through key musical milestones but also exploring their social contexts and the long-term cultural implications.In Years Two and Three you will focus in more depth on fewer selected topics, either concentrating solely on Popular Music modules or retaining the option to pursue one or two modules in other areas. Specialist topics are studied alongside advanced level performance and music technology modules. In Year Three there is a particular emphasis on specialism and an extended or independent project (such as a research project, a music technology project, or an extended performance recital).ItalianItalian Studies at Liverpool is a rapidly growing subject and is now available as a Single Honours, Major, Joint or Minor subject. As Major, Joint or Minor subject, Italian can be studied in combination with both language and non-language subjects to offer you the benefits and enhanced employability that language skills and intercultural awareness provide.Italian at Liverpool has a distinctive approach to help you become highly proficient in Italian and critically understand its history and culture: one that develops the ability of students to engage with Italian language, history and culture inside and outside Italy, in the Italian peninsula as well as in the context in which students live and study.By exploring aspects of film, sociolinguistics, literature and history through the plural lens of Italian languages and cultures, our students develop a crucial set of linguistic and cultural translation skills to navigate the transcultural processes of the 21st century.