BA (Hons) Philosophy and Theology with Study Abroad

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BA (Hons) Philosophy and Theology with Study Abroad

This degree enables you to study the complementary disciplines of Philosophy and Theology. Questions relating to the nature of God, religion, faith and moral life have been the domain of both Philosophy and Theology for many centuries. Philosophy offers invaluable logical and analytical tools to address theological questions, both old and new. This programme will also enable you to reflect in depth about the role of religion in contemporary life and society. This four-year programme includes one year spent studying abroad either through the Erasmus scheme in Europe or with one of our international partner institutions elsewhere in the world. Studying Philosophy will give you the opportunity to discuss long-standing questions about the nature of knowledge (how do we know what we know?), science (does science provide us with a special kind of knowledge?), reality (does the world out there really exist?), ethics (how should we act?), art and beauty (who decides what counts as beautiful?), the mind-body relationship (how can the brain produce the mind?), the meaning of life (why is there something rather than nothing?) and more.You’ll also receive an excellent grounding in all the subjects essential to a good understanding of the discipline of Theology, from biblical studies and church history to modern theology, philosophy and ethics.A long list of Theology and Philosophy options will enable you to customise your degree by choosing modules covering topics as diverse as the soul, heaven and hell, heresy, morality and ethics, martyrs and pilgrimage, life after death, the Holocaust, philosophy of science and the study of religions.