BA (Hons) Philosophy and History with Study Abroad

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BA (Hons) Philosophy and History with Study Abroad

This degree combines the study of two complementary subjects, enabling you to develop analytical and reasoning skills while deepening your knowledge of history across different time periods and countries.Studying philosophy will give you the opportunity to discuss long-standing questions about the nature of knowledge. How do we know what we know? Does science provide us with a special kind of knowledge? How should we behave? Who decides what counts as beautiful? Why is there something rather than nothing? From the beginning you will be encouraged to develop your own views and to assess other philosophers’ takes on issues and topics. It will teach you to think rigorously, to defend your views in a clear and consistent way, to understand the why and what-for of different points of view, and ultimately to develop a sharp, analytical and open mind. History will take you on a fascinating journey of the human race by exploring its activities, institutions and ideas. You will have the opportunity to tailor your studies to your own interests by choosing from a diverse range of options.