BA (Hons) Modern Languages and Latin

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BA (Hons) Modern Languages and Latin

Modern Languages and Latin gives you the opportunity to combine the study of languages and cultures that are closely related but intriguingly different. The study of Latin involves detailed attention to a wonderfully flexible and expressive language and the criticism and understanding of some of the finest literature ever composed.We aim to integrate the latest approaches to ancient language and literature with the best traditional values of rigour and attentiveness. The Modern Languages element offers a choice between the study of one of seven major languages – Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian or Spanish – and is taught by experienced language specialists and academic staff at the forefront of their disciplines. Our cultural modules cover topics as broad as history, politics, philosophy, literature and cinema. BA Modern Languages and Latin offers you a coherent programme of study and highlights the links between modern and ancient languages that will enhance your understanding of language development.You will divide your time equally between the two subject areas spending the third year of this four-year programme abroad. Your final degree title will reflect the language choice you make, eg BA French and Latin.