BA (Hons) Liberal Arts with Employment Experience
Our Liberal Arts degree is an innovative, challenging and interdisciplinary programme, specifically designed to develop your intellectual capabilities and critical skills. It offers flexibility and breadth, complemented by in-depth learning in your chosen field of specialisation – your Major. Your breadth of knowledge and understanding across a diverse range of humanities, social science and business subjects will be firmly grounded in your specific area of specialisation and underpinned by the core modules and programme requirements. You will be encouraged to develop a global perspective through addressing contemporary global issues and debates. The opportunity to spend an additional year studying at one of our international partner institutions will further enable you to gain a global outlook.The programme is designed to equip you with an impressive range of skills that will mark you out from the crowd and make you particularly attractive to employers: written and oral communication; textual and data analysis; language acquisition; presentation skills; teamwork and research. Through our Liberal Arts core modules you will develop confidence applying a range of approaches and methodologies. You will also work directly with employers and external organisations, researching real-life problems through our innovative ‘Think Tank’ module. With options to gain work experience as part of your degree programme, you can further develop your employability potential.You will study a combination of our carefully designed Liberal Arts core modules; modules from your academic specialism (your Major) and a modern or ancient language. Our programme structure also enables you to explore your interests through studying a broad range of optional modules.Majors offered•Anthropology•Arab and Islamic Studies•Archaeology•Art History and Visual Culture•Communications•Classics and Ancient History•Creative Writing•Criminology•Digital Humanities•Drama•Economics•English•Film Studies•Geography•History•International Relations•Marketing/Management•Modern Languages•Philosophy•Politics•Sociology•Theology and Religion