BA (Hons) International Trade and Investment (Top-Up)

Last updated: August 31, 2023 | By  
BA (Hons) International Trade and Investment (Top-Up)

Why International Trade and Investment (Top-up)? This specialised one-year course is for you if you already have a good understanding of how business and finance work and are looking to gain a more global and in-depth perspective on trade and investment activities. You’ll learn how companies engage in international trade and investment and have the opportunity to build your knowledge of the dynamic global financial systems and international trade relations. You’ll learn to identify business opportunities and threats that exist in the global business environment and develop skills necessary for taking advantage of the opportunities and addressing the threats. How will you learn? You will learn through practical application and delivered lectures, workshops, seminars and group work sessions. * You’ll look at the importance of banking and finance in sustainable business operations. * You’ll have an opportunity to study investment analysis and portfolio management, the fundamental issue of competitiveness and a strategic perspective on globalisation. * You’ll also explore the benefits of location and the internationalisation of business through the impact of multinationals and global supply chains. * You’ll also be given the chance to study strategic management and this should help make you aware of the key approaches that assist managers in delivering both short and long term aims, goals and objectives for the organisation. What subjects will you cover? Your programme of study will consist of six subjects: International Business, Monetary and Financial Framework, Business Responsibility and Sustainability, Investment and Portfolio Management, Developments in International Banking and Financial Services, and Strategy in Context. The programme of study on this course will allow you to develop both specialist and generalist knowledge. The modules on finance, investment and banking will provide you with an opportunity to deepen you theoretical knowledge and practical skills relevant to the areas of trade and investment, paying particular attention to how these activities are conducted on the international markets and across borders. Studying more generalist subjects such as business responsibility and strategy will help provide you with general management skills and also allow you to examine trade and investment activities in a variety of different business contexts.