BA (Hons) International Relations with Study Abroad

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BA (Hons) International Relations with Study Abroad

This single honours programme is studied over four years. The first two years, and the final year, are university-based; the third is spent at a university abroad.This degree provides you with an excellent education across the range of international relations topics in a supportive and responsive learning environment that is enriched by research. You’ll gain an appreciation of the historical evolution of the international system, as well as engaging with key dilemmas and contestations dominating international politics today. We aim to ensure that you’ll be able to understand and use the main concepts, approaches and theories in the study of international relations and to analyse, interpret and evaluate world political events and issues. This degree will give you a solid grounding in understanding international issues together with the opportunity to specialise in a particular region or special subject, such as transnational crime or globalisation.