BA (Hons) History with Study Abroad

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BA (Hons) History with Study Abroad

The Single Honours History programme is a progressive one, building on a broad foundation in the first year, to highly specialised work in the final year, including the study of a particular subject in depth and a dissertation on a topic of personal interest.There is a huge amount of choice built into the History curriculum. You can build your own degree programme, selecting from a number of types of modules in each year with the choice of taking up to one quarter of your modules in another department. Our students often take modules in Information Technology, English, Theology, Classics, Politics, Sociology and Arabic and Islamic Studies, and a variety of modern languages.At the Streatham Campus our research expertise ranges from pre-history through to the twenty-first century incorporating international, economic, cultural and social history and many geographical areas including the Americas, parts of Asia, Britain and Europe. Our particular strengths lie in political, social, maritime, military, naval and medical history. You may therefore be able to choose from options ranging in time from the the Roman Empire to the 1960s covering topics as diverse as the Vikings, early medieval empires, British politics since 1900, women in society, the Norman conquest, magic and witchcraft in early modern Europe and reformation London.