BA (Hons) History and Archaeology with Employment Experience Abroad

Last updated: August 30, 2023 | By  
BA (Hons) History and Archaeology with Employment Experience Abroad

The History and Archaeology programme builds on broad foundations in the first year, to highly specialised work in the final year, including the study of a particular subject in depth.You’ll be grounded in the main themes of History through a combination of both broad and detailed focuses on particular aspects of the past, study of a range of time periods, and study of different geographical areas. At the Streatham Campus our research expertise ranges from pre-history through to the twenty-first century incorporating international, economic, cultural and social history and many geographical areas including the Americas, parts of Asia, Britain and Europe. Our particular strengths lie in political, social, maritime, military, naval and medical history.Archaeology will enable you to explore both the academic and practical dimensions of a uniquely fascinating discipline. Building on a firm foundation of the subject provided in the first year, you can then choose from a a wide variety of modules to follow your particular interests. These can cover the microscopic analysis of ancient artefacts to the exploration of entire fossilised landscapes, from understanding prehistoric villages to recording historic buildings; the subject is broad, multi-disciplinary and dynamic.As you work through your degree, you can develop your own specialisation, culminating in a dissertation supported by one-to-one tuition.